
ImaginaryCTF 2024 [WEB]

Web Category Table of Content readme journal P2C crystal The Amazing Race readme2 Pwning en Logique All of the challenge archives can be found here readme Looking at NGINX de...

DownUnderctf 2024 [WEB]

Category : Web Table of Content parrot the emu zoo feedback form co2 hah got em sniffy i am confusion co2v2 waifu prisoner processor All of the challenge archives can be foun...

Intigriti CTF 2023 Writeup [WEB]

Link to archive challenges: https://github.com/sajjadium/ctf-archives/tree/main/ctfs/1337UP/2023 Category : Web Web : Bug Report Repo Browsing the web challenge, we will encounter with ...

TCP1PCTF 2023 - Un Secure [WEB]

Link to archive challenges: https://github.com/TCP1P/TCP1P-CTF-2023-Challenges/tree/main/Web/Un%20Secure Category : Web Web : Un Secure We received a zip file dist.zip with the source c...

Offsec Web Expert OSWE Review

Introduction After completing my OSEP exam in June, I didn’t expect to take another Offsec certication so soon. But, my team won the Asia Pacific Cyberattack Response Challenge 2023 and we were aw...

Offensive Security Experienced Pentester OSEP Review

Introduction The Offensive Security Experienced Penetration Tester (OSEP) certification, formerly known as Evasion Techniques and Breaching Defenses (PEN-300), is an advanced penetration testing...

Intigriti - Challenge 1021 Writeup

This is my first attempt at the intigriti challenge. I’m writing this to learn and share my experience with others. I’ve included information from various sources to provide a comprehensive overvie...

TJCTF 2023 - Writeup

Welcome to my blog, where I will share a write-up on the web challenges. I am a member of Team M53 from Malaysia, and we participated in the TJCTF 2023 competition this year. Link to archive cha...

FlareOn2 2015 - Challenge 2

This write-up serves as a personal reference and a tool for me to practice FlareOn. It includes information and solutions collected from various sources. Challenge Challenge 2.zip : Challenge 2.z...

HackTM CTF 2023 - Writeup

This write-up serves as a personal reference and a tool for me to practice CTF. It includes information and solutions collected from various sources, including challenges that were not solved durin...